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Menüeintrag |
CAM → ToolBit Library editor |
Arbeitsbereich |
Standardtastenkürzel |
Keiner |
Eingeführt in Version |
0.19 |
Siehe auch |
CAM ToolBitDock, CAM Werkzeuge, CAM ToolBit |
Der Werkzeug-Bit-Bibliothek-Editor ist das Werkzeug zum Erstellen, Verwalten und Sortieren von Toolbits. Wird der Bibliothek-Manager gestartet, wird er als modaler (?) Dialog angezeigt.
From here the user can perform all task related to toolbit management :
Only the creation of new toolshapes cannot be done from the toolbit library manager. This is an advanced topic. (see CAM ToolShape creation).
The ToolBit Library editor
The left pane (1) shows a list of all libraries in the current working directory. The current library is highlighted.
The current working directory path is shown in the window title bar (2). A file selector (3) can be used to select a different working directory.
The right side pane (4) shows all toolbits in the currently selected library. Doubleclicking in the left column allows you to change the default tool number for this toolbit. The toolnumber will be used when creating a tool controller. The number is an attribute of the library. This means the same toolbit can exist in multiple tool libraries and have different default toolnumbers in each.
Tools at the top (5) are used to create/add/remove toolbits from the current library.
The save as button (6) can be used to write the library to a new file or export to a valid tooltable format. Currently only LinuxCNC format is supported.
The manager will remember the last active tool library and working directory between uses.
The close button (7) at bottom right will dismiss the tool library manager. Any changes to the current library are persisted to disk. Pressing the Escape key will dismiss the manager but not make any changes to the current library. Whichever library is selected when the manager is dismissed will become the new default and will be shown in the Toolbit Dock.
There are several ways to edit the toolbits and library:
A. By clicking the column headers of the library you can sort the toolbit library. The library will retain the sort and use it in the dock.
B. By doubleclicking in the first column you can edit the toolbit number. This will be the default tool number used when creating a new tool controller. It is possible to use the same number for multiple toolbits.
C. Double clicking anywhere else in the row will open the toolbit editing panel. From here you can edit other properties of the toolbit.